An Employee Perspective on Volaris Group’s Commitment to Talent Development
An Employee Perspective on Volaris Group’s Commitment to Talent Development
An Employee Perspective on Volaris Group’s Commitment to Talent Development
Portfolio Leader Tony DeSilvester supports software leaders in their talent development journeys. Read his full interview.
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As business leaders strive for increased competitiveness, creating an entrepreneurial culture has become an important advantage. In the current business environment, the term entrepreneurial has… Read More »Succession Planning Spotlight: Kinetic Software
Interested in our buy-and-hold philosophy, Kinetic joined Volaris to de-risk, grow, and access greater capital. As part of our family, Kinetic has since grown organically and through acquisition; all while successfully developing leadership and talent.
While some shareholders were looking to exit and others to continue with additional support, all were ready to de-risk and find a home where the business and employees would have a bright future of growth. Since joining Volaris, WebCheckout has enhanced their solution, evolved their Sales and Marketing, and subsequently achieved double-digit annual organic growth.